Hyperbola Quintessence in Rust

Welcome to my dev-blog series on writing a chess engine. This is part 3. Like always, suggestions are welcome! Hyperbola quintessence? This is the definition from chessprogramming.org: Hyperbola Quintessence applies the o^(o-2r)-trick also for vertical or diagonal negative Rays - by reversing the bit-order of up to one bit per rank or byte with a vertical flip aka x86-64 bswap. Why did I go for this approach? Because I thought magic bitboards were too hard for me....

October 18, 2022 · 5 min · 1022 words

Bitboards in Rust

Introduction Hello there! I haven’t posted in a while because I was working on my chess engine. Specifically, representing the pieces as bitboards. Now you may ask what a bitboard is. You can use bitboards to represent a chess board in a piece-centric manner. What is so special about bitboards then? Doesn’t a piece list do the same thing? Well, representing a bitboard only requires a single unsigned 64 bit integer!...

September 28, 2022 · 8 min · 1519 words

Yew.rs With TailwindCSS

Yew Like a lot of people, I think WASM is the future. Yew is an amazing frontend framework that helps in building web apps using WASM. It’s incredibly easy to use and the performance of the app is EXTREMELY fast! I’m currently re-writing Snowstry with yew.rs for the frontend (switching from NextJS). Here’s the repo link. Yew + Tailwind Setting up yew with tailwind was very easy as well. If you don’t know what tailwind is, here’s the link to their website....

August 12, 2022 · 2 min · 260 words

Switching to Wayland

Hello! 11 days ago I switched from x11 to wayland, because 60 FPS scrolling is a feature too good to miss. Now what is wayland, you may ask? Wayland is like a replacement to the traditional x11 display protocol. You can read more about it here. My x11 setup consisted of the following software: DWM as the window manager. Polybar as the status bar. Dunst as the notification daemon. ST as my terminal emulator....

July 27, 2022 · 2 min · 253 words

Writing a Build Automation Tool

After using GNU Make for automating the build step in my projects, I had this idea of making my own build automation tool like Make. I originally wanted to use Makefile-like syntax for the config file but instead settled with TOML after thinking about it for a while. I also used Rust to write this since I am kinda familiar with the language. Rust has a TOML crate for parsing TOML files....

July 8, 2022 · 3 min · 531 words