Hello! 11 days ago I switched from x11 to wayland, because 60 FPS scrolling is a feature too good to miss.

Now what is wayland, you may ask? Wayland is like a replacement to the traditional x11 display protocol. You can read more about it here.

My x11 setup consisted of the following software:

Now before switching to wayland, some of these tools listed above straight up break in a wayland environment, like betterlockscreen and rofi. ST also behaves weirdly on wayland, but it works. And of course, since DWM is an x11 window manager, you cannot use it on wayland.

Choosing a compositor

Sway was an awesome choice, but I didn’t really like the i3-ish aspect of it.

So I was looking for something more DWM-like.

River was a great replacement.

Choosing a bar

There are other alternatives like yambar, but I chose waybar.

Notification daemon

While dunst works in wayland, I opted for a notification daemon called mako instead.

Terminal emulator

ST was a great option, but I had to part ways with it. I switched to the foot terminal instead.

Lock screen

Since betterlockscreen does not work on wayland, I chose swaylock for the lock screen.

Application launcher

I use rofi-lbonn-git for the app launcher.

My setup



You can find my dotfiles here.

That’s it for this blog see you soon!