
Like a lot of people, I think WASM is the future. Yew is an amazing frontend framework that helps in building web apps using WASM.

It’s incredibly easy to use and the performance of the app is EXTREMELY fast! I’m currently re-writing Snowstry with for the frontend (switching from NextJS). Here’s the repo link.

Yew + Tailwind

Setting up yew with tailwind was very easy as well. If you don’t know what tailwind is, here’s the link to their website.

First things first, we need the tailwindcss binary for compiling the output css file.

I prefer using yarn over npm, but it’s upto you.

yarn global add tailwindcss

Now let’s setup a tailwind config file:

module.exports = {
	content: ["./src/**/*.rs", "./index.html", "./public/css/*.css"],
	theme: {},
	plugins: [],

Directory structure:

	├── Cargo.toml
+	├── index.html (index.html in root)
	├── public
	│   ├── css
+	│   │   ├── main.css (global css file)
+	│   │   └── out.css (output css)
	├── src
	│   ├── components
	│   │   ├──
	│   │   ├──
	│   ├──
	│   └── pages
	│       ├──
	│       ├──
	│       └──
+	├── tailwind.config.js (tailwind config)
	└── Trunk.toml

Now in our Trunk.toml, we setup a hook that executes before build, so output css is compiled automatically.

stage = "pre_build"
command = "tailwindcss"
command_arguments = ["-c", "./tailwind.config.js", "-o", "./public/css/out.css", "--minify"]

Now in your index.html (at the root of your project), link the output css file.

<link data-trunk rel="css" href="public/css/out.css" />

Run trunk serve and you’re done! That’s it for this blog, see you soon.